Landscape study

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The Mata-Torrevieja lagoons are located in the Vega Baja del Segura region, occupying part of
the municipalities of Guardamar del Segura, Torrevieja, Los Montesinos and Rojales.

Together with El Fondo and the Salinas de Santa Pola, they form a triangle of wetlands of international relevance in the south of Alicante. Declared of international importance since 1989 by the Ramsar Convention, and included within the special protection areas for birds (ZEPA) according to the Birds directive of the European Union.

The park is also included in the nature 2000 network, is part of the catalog of wetlands of the Valencian Community, and is an LIC area (Site of Community Interest).


The Landscape Study of the Natural Park of Lagunas de La Mata and Torrevieja Its purpose is to facilitate the scientific, didactic and recreational use of the Park, to resolve possible landscape conflicts derived from the different activities that take place inside or around the Park and to establish the connectors of the Park with other natural, agricultural, urban spaces. or nearby coastlines.

– Define routes, viewpoints and public spaces that facilitate the public use and enjoyment of the park without prejudice to its environmental, cultural and productive values.

– Propose measures and strategies for the landscape integration of infrastructures and nearby urbanized areas.- Provide standards and recommendations for the management of the different productive spaces that occur within the Park (agricultural, salt, etc).

– Guide the creation of connectors of the Natural Park with the green infrastructure of the South of Alicante.




First of all, we thank you for your cooperation. in the Public Participation Plan of the Landscape Study of the Lagunas de La Mata y Torrevieja Natural Park, a Plan through which, in accordance with Valencian legislation, it is expected to collect the opinion of the population on the current situation of the natural park and on the strategies that should guide its future evolution.

The plan is structured in 3 successive phases in which we encourage you to participate and of which we present PHASE2 below: Landscape Assessment.


The objective of phase 2 is to collect the ASSESSMENT of experts and the resident and visitor population on the Landscape Units and Landscape Resources of the Natural Park and its nearby areas.

As stated in the document with the Conclusions of PHASE 1 of the Public Participation Plan, said Landscape Units and Resources were defined through the joint work of the drafting team and the people who participated in the aforementioned PHASE 1.

The assessment of the Landscape Units and Resources included in this questionnaire will allow the proposals and programs to be developed later in this Landscape Study to consider the preferences of the population and the opinions of technicians and experts.




First of all, we would like to thank you for your collaboration in the Public Participation Plan for the Landscape Study of the Lagunas de La Mata y Torrevieja Natural Park, a Plan through which, in accordance with Valencian legislation, it is expected to collect the opinion of the population on the current situation of the natural park and on the strategies that should guide its future evolution.

The plan is structured in 3 successive phases in which we encourage you to participate and of which we present below its LAST PHASE: PHASE3: Landscape Proposals.


The objective of PHASE 3 of the Public Participation Plan for the Landscape Study of the Lagunas de La Mata y Torrevieja Natural Park is to collect suggestions from experts and the resident and visitor population on aspects to correct, improve or enhance in the landscape of the following areas:


· La Mata Natural Park – Torrevieja.
· Surroundings of the Natural Park of La Mata – Torrevieja.


· Landscape Units.
· Environmental Landscape Resources.
· Cultural Landscape Resources.
· Visual Landscape Resources.


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