Social services benefits

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Primary care is configured as the first level, by proximity, of access to the Valencian Public System of Social Services. Two levels of action are distinguished here: basic and specific.


Reception, care and diagnosis in situations of personal and family needs, providing adequate information, guidance and advice

  • Emergency economic benefits
  • Red Cross Food Bank
  • Prevention service
  • Promotion service
  • Telecare
  • Day center
  • Residential center
  • Night center
  • Home help service- SAD
  • Service-Linked Benefits
  • Provision of care in the family environment
  • PVS of Guarantee
  • Heirs
  • Payments of pending economic rights of deceased persons
  • Grade of DISCAPACITY
  • Disability card
  • Parking card
  • PEI for people with functional diversity
  • Non-contributory Retirement Benefit
  • Non-contributory Disability Benefit
  • Recognition of Complement to Holders of Non-Contributory Retirement Pension in disability who reside in a rented house.
  • Individualized economic benefits for the removal of architectural barriers for the elderly
  • Social places of residence
  • Day center places for non-dependent elderly people.
  • Aid to cover stays in residence. Breathing bonus
  • Aid to pay for stays in day centers.
  • Senior card.
  • Eating at home
  • Articulated beds, crutches, wheelchairs, walkers

Prevention, diagnosis, intervention and follow-up to cover the basic needs of individuals, families

  • Information and advice on Gender Violence
  • Municipal Coexistence Absenteeism Commission
  • Large Family Title
  • Single Parent Family Title
  • Parking card for people with reduced mobility
  • Information, care and support for families
  • Individual, family or coexistence unit orientation
  • Family intervention or coexistence unit
  • Family mediation, conflict management.
  • Support for judicial mediation.
  • Psychosocial and socio-educational care
  • Reports on social roots and housing adequacy
  • Linguistic training offer to improve the language for adults and children.
  • Intercultural mediation
  • Legal assistance in immigration matters
  • Workshops and activities for integration
  • Legal support unit for family, housing, disabilities, de facto guardianship, guardianship and conservatorship, etc.
  • Legal assistance program for women


  • Intervention with children and adolescents by specialized professionals who are in a situation of vulnerability, risk, helplessness or with legal protection measures, and with as many other people as necessary to intervene to achieve the objective(s) in the plan of work.
  • The actions within the intervention may be individual, family or group and be real.


  • Information from the Generalitat Valenciana – 012.
  • Major’s Telephone – 900100011
  • Telephone of the Minor – 900100880
  • Telephone number of the Ombudsman for the Disabled – 961247553
  • Menjar’s phone at home and Mayor’s at home – 900123103
  • Information Service of the Women’s Institute – 900191010
  • Information and legal advice service, by telephone and online, for Victims of Gender Violence, nationwide and available 24 hours a day, which allows the call not to be recorded (Ministry of Equality) – 016
  • 24H Information and Attention Telephone Service for Women – 900580888

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