Culture, education and youth activities

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The School of Music and Culture of Los Montesinos, in addition to covering the activities of the Municipal School of Music, the band of the Agrupación Musical Montesinos and the Coral Aromas de Azahar, has an auditorium where a wide range of cultural events throughout the year:

  • Conference on University Theater in Bajo Segura. Conferences that have been held for 10 consecutive years in collaboration with the Archbishop Loazes Chair of the University of Alicante (Orihuela University Venue). There are 4 plays that take place every Saturday night in January or February, in which the University Theater of the University of Alicante and the Classic Theater of the University of Alicante always participate, as well as two theater groups from our region (in the last 6 years groups from the Los Montesinos Municipal School of Theater have also participated).
  • Holy Week. The City Council, from the Department of Culture and Services, together with the great work carried out by the Mayor’s Board of Brotherhoods and the town in general, we all contribute so that Los Montesinos can feel proud to be able to show off one of the best processions of the Week Santa in the Vega Baja. Activities: Proclamation, Music Concert, Saetas Concert, Choir Concert, Processions of which we highlight the one on Easter Sunday with a large carpet of flowers that cover the main streets of the town.
  • Musical auditions, concerts and recitals. Activities in charge of the Los Montesinos Municipal School of Music that are carried out throughout the year, in the celebration of Santa Cecilia, Christmas, Easter, End of School Course in the month of June, among others that arise along the way. throughout the year and in which all kinds of instrumental groups participate, as well as soloists, sometimes guest groups and soloists perform, (flamenco, saetas…), spring concert by the band of the Montesinos Musical Group.
  • During the months of June and December, the Department of Culture collaborates with the different groups and associations venues in the programming that each group carries out, Auditions of the Municipal School of Music, Concert of the Choir and Choir of the Aromas de Azahar Cultural Association, Concert of the Children’s Music Band and the Musical Group, Theatrical Performances of the different groups of the Municipal School of Theater, Ballet Festivals of the different academies, End of Year Festivals of the School and the IES…
  • Celebration of Saint Cecilia. The council collaborates with the Band of the Montesinos Musical Association and the Municipal School of Music that organizes a series of activities on the occasion of the celebration of the patron saint of musicians in the month of November, Auditions, Concerts, Parade, Procession of the Virgin, Mass in Honor of Santa Cecilia, edition of the Magazine, community meal, games, championships etc… In recent years the Aromas de Azahar Cultural Association has joined this celebration.
  • Exhibitions. During these 4 years, a series of exhibitions of different artists, both local and from outside the municipality, have been carried out, among them: Exhibitions of painting, photography, handicrafts, ceramics, iron, … which have been carried out both in the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall, as in the Auditorium of the School of Music and Culture.
  • Conferences. They have been developed both in the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall and in the School of Music and Culture covering different topics.
  • poetry recitals: Different recitals have been held, of which we highlight two that have been held during the year 2010 on the occasion of the centenary of the death of the poet Miguel Hernández, recitals in which “El Foro Social de Orihuela” participated, poets from our town and accompanied by the melody of a trio made up of musicians from the Montesinos Musical Group.
  • book presentations, Different book presentations have been carried out, highlighting the last one that was presented on the occasion of the Segregation celebration, on July 30: the Los Montesinos town hall published the book “From the Marquesa to Los Montesinos” by the author Remedios Muñoz Hernández, licensed in letters and official chronicler of our municipality.
  • Christmas Programming: This program began 7 years ago with the “Popular Meeting of Christmas Carols” and the inauguration of the Bethlehem carried out by the Los Montesinos Women’s Collective, followed by a wide and varied series of performances, Christmas festival of the School, ballet festival, concerts , storytelling, workshops for children and giving priority to the works of children’s theater and for the whole family.
  • In addition, in recent years English groups have joined our programming, performing musicals, dance festivals, theater… for charitable purposes for local associations.

  • Carnival. As every year we continue to celebrate in collaboration with the Associations of Parents of Students of the School and the IES. With chocolate, music and workshops.
  • Day of the book. Celebration that every year is held in the Plaza Sagrado Corazón with the help of the APA of the College and the IES and the local stationers that make their book exhibition. Workshops are also held for the little ones and Storytelling, in recent years by members of the Municipal Theater School.
  • Cultural Week. Activity that has been held for 17 years, with this type of event, The Department of Culture aims to bring culture to the streets and bring its various expressions closer to the residents of the municipality, favoring the empowerment of local socio-cultural groups and associations that, thanks to them, can enjoy a wide range of cultures (theatre, music, choir, ballet, gymnastics, poetry…), in addition to some other group from outside the town, in recent years, this activity has been carried out in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

Municipal School of Music, this school was born in the 1995/96 academic year with the LOGSE, adapting to the different education laws up to the current date with the LOE. Introductory music courses and the Elementary Degree of musical education are taught in the specialties of: musical language, clarinet, saxophone, flute, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, tuba-euphonium, horn, percussion, cello, double bass, guitar and piano. In addition, other complementary subjects are taught, such as choir, children’s band, chamber music and rhythm orchestra. The school has a staff of 15 teachers from different specialties and a management team made up of:

Director: Daniel Meseguer Sáez, Head of Studies: Romany Luís Cana Flores and Secretary: David Andreu de la Torre

Enrollment takes place during the month of July at the School of Music and Culture and classes begin in the second half of September and end in the second half of June. Among the objectives of this school are, to give students a quality education and prepare them for the entrance exams to Middle Grade in other conservatories. Different activities are prepared throughout the year, such as auditions each quarter with all specialties, with chamber music groups standing out in recent years; didactic concert for the students of the School, concerts with the Children’s Band and ends the Music Gala where the final touch to the school year, performing chamber groups, children’s band and where honorable mentions are delivered to the students with the best grades .

Registration form municipal school of music

Municipal School of Theater, launched since the 2007/2008 academic year, classes are taught from October to July, acting workshops, techniques to combat stage fright, performance of works, among other activities. Throughout the year, different theatrical performances are held, both inside and outside the town. Enrollment takes place during the month of September at the School of Music and Culture and there are 4 groups of different ages:

  • GROUP A: from 7 to 12 years old
  • GROUP B: from 13 to 18 years old
  • GROUPS C AND D: adults

Printed municipal theater school registration

Youth Card.

If you are between 14 and 30 years old, you can apply for your youth card at Los Montesinos Town Hall.

DOGV 9327 of 28/04/2022. DECREE LAW 2/2022, of April 22, of the Consell for the temporary reduction of the amount of the own taxes and public prices of the Generalitat to face the impact of inflation.
Entry into force from 05/02/2022

Rate: 7.70 euros.


(Articles 25.1-2 and 25.1-6 of Law 20/2017, of December 28, of the Generalitat, on fees)

They are EXEMPT from the payment of the fee:

People who are members of a large family of a special category or of a single-parent family of a special category.

Victims of acts of violence against women who prove this condition through any of the means of proof provided for in the regional regulations against violence against women in the Valencian Community.

People with disabilities, with a degree equal to or greater than 66%.

Persons under guardianship or guardianship by the child protection system, and who are in residential or family foster care, who prove this condition by means of a certificate from the public entity that exercises their guardianship or guardianship or by means of a copy of the administrative resolution by the that this measure has been established.

People who have been subject to the child protection system or the judicial re-education system in any period of the 3 years prior to reaching the age of majority.

People over 16 years of age and under 18 years of age, and who are in charge of people with functional diversity or minors, or are victims of sexual exploitation or trafficking, or domestic violence.

Minors who are complying with a re-educational judicial measure.

People who are in a situation of social exclusion and this is accredited by the competent body in matters of social welfare of the town hall of residence.

IMPORTANT: The exemptions from the payment of the fee of the sections d), e), f), g) and h) They will be managed exclusively by the IVAJ and the competent Ministry.

BONUSES to the Carnet Jove fee:

a) A 50% bonus, provided they are members of a large family of the general category or of a single-parent family of the general category.

b) A bonus of 50% in the cases of people with disabilities, with a degree equal to or greater than 33%.

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