The City Council has been the beneficiary of two Servef grants based on the call published in ORDER 8/2016, of July 7, of the Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Labor, whose main objective was the realization of public training and employment promotion programs (Social Initiative Program in collaboration with the local corporations of the Valencian Community), promoted by the Valencian Employment Service-SERVEF).
The recruitment requirements were aimed at long-term unemployed persons, registered as job seekers at least 350 days within the last 540 days (EMCORD program) and unemployed persons at least 30 years of age (EMCORP program).
In total there have been four contracts made at the end of last December, specifically, 2 gardening-horticultural peons (EMCORP 2017 grant amounting to € 17,000), and 2 construction laborers (EMCORD 2017 grant also for the amount awarded of € 17,000).