Wells, cistern of the Lo Reig estate, cistern of Lo Vigo Viejo and cistern of La Marquesa

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En La Marquesa, Aljibe con bóveda de cañón y cubeta de decantación. Su existencia está documentada a mediados del siglo XVIII, coincidiendo con el establecimiento de colonos; realizados por los jesuitas oriolanos, propietarios de la heredad, para garantizar el abastecimiento de agua a este primer núcleo de población, que alcanzó la mayor entidad entre las grandes haciendas del secano. El almacenamiento de aguas llegó consigo costosas labores de preparación el terreno para aprovechar la escorrentía natural de las aguas de lluvia y canalizarlas a través de las ramblas hacia el depósito excavado en el substrato sedimentario existente.

It has a rectangular floor plan (13.50 mx 4.30 m.) And covered with a half-barrel vault, with a chapel-like ceiling, topped by a spherical dome, now disappeared, as well as a large part of the vault. The walls of masonry locked with lime mortar are plastered with hydraulic lime, both inside and outside, the latter presenting reddish stucco remains.

The water of the avenues was directed by an open conduit, until a well decanter of circular plant, that connected with the entrance orifice through a small channel. d’avingudes es dirigia per una conducció oberta, fins a un pou decantador de planta circular, que connectava amb l’orifici d’entrada a través d’una petita canaleta.

The reservoir of Lo de Vigo Viejo is an exponent of the water architecture so typical in the dryland of Bajo Segura. It is a construction of mortar of lime and caliche stone, plastered plaster. The building comprises two parts, one exterior finished in a hexagonal chapel, with the access limestone gray limestone, coming from the Sierra de Orihuela; And another interior, constituted by a rectangular cistern covered by vault of cannon of 4 by 8 meters. The whole set is isolated by a wall of 25 cm of thickness, finished in roma form. Over time the lack of use has ended with this type of work, framed within the culture of water, and that forms a patrimonial rest necessary to preserve for later generations, before the changes so extraordinary happened in the rainfed. Todo el conjunto se encuentra aislado por un muro de 25 cm de grosor, rematado en forma roma. Con el tiempo la falta de uso ha acabado con este tipo de obra, enmarcada dentro de la cultura del agua, y que conforma un resto patrimonial necesario de conservar para las generaciones posteriores, ante los cambios tan extraordinarios acaecidos en el secano.

Lo de Reig cistern, located on the Lo de Reig estate, along with the others mentioned above, reflect the importance for our ancestors that has had the storage of water. This cistern is an exponent of the water architecture typical of the Campo de Salinas, which can be dated in the eighteenth century coinciding with the start of operation of the property by its owner, Don Jose Reig and Corbi, at the beginning of that century.

It is formed by a cistern of rectangular plant (35 mx 6 m.) Excavated in the subsoil, whose work of masonry and lime mortar has a half barrel vault, with three circular perforations as a vent.

The system of rainwater collection was made from the west sector, through several channels that converge in the hall, circular plant and 5 m. Of diameter that, in turn, communicated with the entrance of the cistern.

About ten meters from this great cistern is located another one that stored the water from that one from a spillway. This second deposit is of circular plan, with cover of false dome.

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